Labor & Employment
The attorneys in the Labor & Employment Practice Area represent clients on all aspects of traditional labor and corporate employment law matters. We recognize that employers are challenged by an ever-changing legal landscape when it comes to labor and employment laws that regulate the workplace. Our attorneys focus on strategies and solutions to find creative and economically practical ways to assist our clients in accomplishing their goals and avoiding legal issues. We represent clients ranging from Fortune 500 publicly traded companies to smaller privately held businesses to individuals in all facets of labor and employment law-related matters.
Labor & Employment Litigation
Our attorneys regularly represent clients against charges before state and federal administrative agencies, as well as in state and federal courts. We also help resolve disputes in alternative dispute resolution forums, including arbitration and mediation. Our attorneys handle litigation involving all aspects of labor and employment matters such as union/management grievances, wrongful discharge, wage and hour issues, and employment-related contract disputes. Our approach is to help clients reduce risk and resolve disputes efficiently and in a manner consistent with the client's business strategies and priorities.
Labor & Employment Counseling
Our attorneys advise employers on day-to-day employee relations issues and provide assistance mainly to human resources professionals and in-house legal staff in developing and implementing employment policies and procedures.
Our services include, but are not limited to, the following areas:
- Drafting and implementing employment-related corporate documents such as restrictive covenant agreements, various stock and compensation plans, and executive employment, consulting and separation/severance agreements;
- Drafting and reviewing employee handbooks, manuals, and policies and procedures guidelines;
- Resolving hiring, retention and termination disputes; Counseling on discrimination, harassment, reductions in force, wrongful discharge, and whistle-blowing;
- Counseling on wage and hour claims, breach of contract, restrictive covenant and tortuous interference claims;
- Counseling on employee benefits issues such as paid time off, COBRA, leaves of absences and disabilities in the workplace; and
- Counseling on drug and alcohol testing, background checks, and electronic monitoring (e.g. e-mails, voicemails, Internet usage, etc.).
December 2021
Ari Burd Named a 2021 Go-To Thought Leader by The National Law Review
August 2021
NJ Chamber Makes COVID Vaccinations Mandatory
March 2020
COVID-19 Related Employment Alert
March 2020
Federal Government Enacts Emergency Family Leave and Paid Sick Leave Laws in Response to COVID-19 Virus
March 2020
EMPLOYER ALERT: Coronavirus 'Work from Home' Issues and Considerations
February 2020
EMPLOYERS BEWARE: $2.4M Jury Verdict Serves as a Reminder of the Duty Employers Owe to Their Employees
December 2019
Jay Becker Named a 2019 NLR Go-To Thought Leader
July 2019
EMPLOYER BEWARE: Asking an Applicant the Wrong Question During an Interview May Cost You!
March 2019
New Law Limiting Employment Contracts and Settlement Agreements
February 2019
New Jersey's Friendly Paid Family Leave Law Just Got a Whole Lot Friendlier
May 2018
GH&C Labor and Employment Law Team of Ari Burd and Jay Becker Win Summary Judgment in Two Employment Cases Headed to Trial
March 15, 2017
Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla Attorneys Selected as 2017 New Jersey Super Lawyers and Rising Stars
November 2016
DOL Final Overtime Rule Postponed
May 2016
Eleven Giordano Attorneys Ranked in 2016 Chambers USA
May 11, 2012
Point: White v. Starbucks: Doing One's Job is Not Whistle-Blowing
June 7, 2012
Sixteen Giordano Attorneys Ranked in Chambers USA
March 16, 2012
Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla Attorneys Selected As 2012 New Jersey Super Lawyers And Rising Stars
Winter, 2012
"Untangling the Web of Social Media"
August 31, 2011
20 Lawyers from Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla Selected for Inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America
June 10, 2011
Fifteen Giordano Attorneys Ranked in Chambers USA
March 29, 2011
Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla Attorneys Selected As 2011 New Jersey Super Lawyers And Rising Stars
March, 2011
"'Alexander V. Seton Hall University': Refusal To Depart From Precedent Aligns The New Jersey Law Against Discrimination With The Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act Of 2009"
February 24, 2011
"Supreme Court Grants Employees within the 'Zone of Interests' Standing to Sue for Title VII Retaliation"
November, 2010
"DOL's Interpretation Of 'Son Or Daughter' Broadens Employee Protection Under The FMLA"
November, 2010
"'Roa V. Lafe': Post-Employment Retaliation Claims And The Continuing Violation Theory"
July, 2010
"Preventing, Uncovering and Prosecuting the Enemy Within: New Jersey's Top Legal Guns Target Employee Fraud & Theft"
June 11, 2010
Eleven Giordano Attorneys Ranked in Chambers USA
January 1900
New Jersey Employment Law Update